
Archive for April 2015

Do you feel like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole? Did you take on the qualities and attributes other people, perhaps well-meaning people, told you belonged to you? Are you ready to allow yourself to be the gift you came to this life to be?

Like Alice who fell down a hole and looked in many different mirrors and saw many different versions of herself, so do we all. Which version did you take on as you? Is that version the real you? The version you choose to be?

Guess what? You get to choose who you want to be. You can make excuses for why you aren’t being and doing who you want to be. Or you can realize those are just fears or wounds that need to heal and transform before you allow yourself to move forward as you. Another option is to just move forward.

I shared an interesting cartoon on my Facebook page a while back. There were people in suits sitting at a table. In front of them was a fish, an elephant, a giraffe, a monkey and a tree. The not-suited were being tested. One of the people at the table told them the test was to see how fast they could each climb the tree.

If you test and judge everyone by the same criteria, those who do not fit that mold will spend their life believing it is wrong to be who they are.

You are allowed to be you. God does not create mistakes. God/consciousness creates opportunities for you to be the best you choose to be. Share the greatness of you – whatever that means to you.

Do you have limiting beliefs that stop you? Do you think it will take a lot of money or time to make the changes you desire? Everything in life happens one step at a time. Sometimes the step turns into a staircase, and other times it will be just a few steps.

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

If you or someone you know needs a little help moving forward, read my blogs for inspiration and visit my website for more inspiration and information. I also do a limited amount of personal coaching for those who are ready to move forward. Since life is too short to waste, when would now be the right time to take the first step?

Be and share the gift of you. I look forward to it!


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