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If you eat food, breathe air or farm the land, you must read this book:  The author, Josh Tickell, deserves a Nobel Prize for connecting the dots which can so powerfully impact the earth and all of humanity in a very positive way.

Just as humans and animals have microbiomes that nourish the body, so too does the soil in which food is grown.  The earth breathes through the plants that inhabit the land everywhere.  When the soil is covered with plant life, carbon in the atmosphere is drawn down into the soil where it belongs.  When plants die or soil is barren, carbon goes up into the atmosphere contributing to global warming.

All of this is just a fraction of the dots connected in this book.  Read it.  Your life and future generations may depend on the expansion of this awareness.

Be blessed and prosper,


Please watch this video if:

  • you are a parent or guardian
  • you are an educator
  • you are in the medical or healing arts professions
  • your heart longs to connect with your Soul again and be the gift you came here to be
  • you are a human being living on planet earth


Please visit for a free gift entitled Discover Your Brilliance.

I hope to meet you soon,


We are often the last to hear what we say to ourselves.  We often repeat certain things for so long that we have accepted them as reality.  Fish see water last as that old saying goes.

Do you have this belief?

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I met a woman in a health store this morning who was looking for natural solutions for lice for her grandchild. She was also confused about which of the many natural solutions would be most effective. The store representative with whom she was dealing told her a brief answer that the products were the same. This was a true statement. However, the questions she wasn’t asking were implied in her inability to make a decision about which product to purchase.

Being knowledgeable about many natural solutions, I politely chimed in on the differences in the products and things to be mindful of when administering them to her grandchild. She said that her grandchild goes to an affluent day care; she had never experienced lice before in her entire life and didn’t understand how this could happen. I explained that socio-economic status made no difference any longer to the bugs and bacteria that are becoming stronger due to all the pesticides and chemicals being used. This is the world in which we now temporarily reside. She understood, thanked me and told the store rep to give her the option that was most cost-effective.

For that woman, the health of her grandchild came first and then the money came second. However, she couldn’t make a decision until she understood the issues at play.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives,
nor the most intelligent that survives.
It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”
– Philippe De Clermont

Humans are also experiencing growth and survival challenges as are many species. That brings me to why it is so important to be who we each came here to be. Each and every one of us have gifts we must bring forth. We are here to contribute in some way; first by being true to ourselves.

I believe most of us are born knowing our connection to the Divine and the innate power of that creative force that flows through us and all around us. I also believe that somewhere along the way in Earth’s history people began to unlearn that connection. Over time that turned into systems of belief and operating. We are here to remember who we are divinely. Being human, with all its potential frailties, is part of the process.

What I have come to realize is that life for many of us follows this pattern:

• Born knowing and trusting your Divine connection and creative power and gifts. Life is meant to be explored and enjoyed.
• Then taught by those who were also taught that we are innately flawed and disconnected from the One and only Divine power which is mistakenly believed to be only outside of us. Therefore, who are we to think we have creative power and valuable gifts worth sharing. Play it safe and stick with past programs.
• Those who bought into that model live life with fixed and limited beliefs regarding certain things about themselves, their abilities and possibilities.
• Some with this model of being use fear to stop themselves from being who God created them to be to utilize their gifts to enjoy and better their life which will ultimately benefit others as well.

God made everything and everyone. Therefore, we are all part of the One as a drop of ocean water is part of the entire ocean. Modern scientific research has found that our feelings send energy into the wholeness of being. Therefore, we each contribute to creation of the collective whole with our own feelings.

“The feeling is the prayer.”
– Unknown

God gave us each free will and the ability to focus. Intuition is your GPS connection to Source energy/God as self. The breath is your connection to your Soul.

“When you trust yourself, you will know how to live.”
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

One of the tricks in life is learning to tell the difference between fear and intuition. If you have a fixed belief system about something, it is tougher to distinguish between fear and intuition. The differences are very subtle and unique to the individual.

You must often unlearn, reframe and let go of habits that stand between your gifts and what you want to achieve in your life. Peeling the onion so to speak can take lifetimes. An easier way can be to act as if as actors do. Decide what you want and keep moving toward it. Play the part, train for the role of your life, and feel the feelings of having it. Send that out into the collective and then pay attention to serendipity.

  1. You are the decider in your life. Everything else is an excuse.
  2. Act as if it’s already accomplished (because it already is completed in the mind of God because God places the dreams in your Soul).
  3. Everything that happens once you make that decision has to happen for you to be in a state of receiving it. You must be the person you need to be when the role of you owning it materializes.
  4. Your intuition is your GPS that will take you there in the quickest most grace-filled way.
  5. Focus on the end goal knowing obstacles are just hurdles to make you grow into the role of your life.
  6. Let go of the how and the when. Needing to know those things are part of a fixed and limited pattern of being. You determine the ultimate destination, but God is driving the limo. Remember, it’s already created in the mind of God.

Do you or your child need some coaching? Athletes have a coach because they want to improve their game and win. The most important game to win is the game of life.

Contact us now to schedule a complimentary coaching session.  E-mail

Compass yay-473852What is on your list to do this year? Did you set a resolution? Did you swear 1, 5 or 10 years ago that you would eat healthfully and work out regularly; write that book; change your career? Make 2016 the year you finally accomplish your thing.

Statistics tell us most people stick with their New Year’s resolutions for about 30 days or less. What statistics neglect to inform is there is always more to the story and you are not a statistic.

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Have you ever heard “neurons that fire together wire together”? Have you ever given any thought to what that really means; how it happens and how you can rewire them to serve your needs better?

Let’s cover those items one at a time.

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Do you have a success process? If you have one, can you write it down? Does it work every time?

I created a class a few years ago to help participants discover their own unique success process. Feedback told me that most people didn’t realize that what they do and how they do it equals successful results.

Do you want to write a book? How often do you sit down and write? Do you know what you want to write about and have you visualized the outcome in advance? Can you feel the feeling of excitement inside you when you think about it? Do you have faith in yourself to be the person in your vision? Again, how often do you write and what is your deadline?

The decision is the starting point, and I do mean decision, not just a wish. The vision in your mind coupled with the enthusiastic feeling of accomplishment for the sheer joy of doing it is what will get you to work on it every day. Please read that again.

That process can apply to any goal – not just writing a book.

What’s your vision? Are you committed to it? Make a plan. Create a schedule and “just do it” as Nike is famous for saying.

Need motivation? Imagine yourself on your death bed looking back at your life. Will you regret not having done it?

Need inspiration? Read some inspiring quotes at The Gift of You or on my Facebook Page.

Need assistance getting started or staying on track? Check out this offer for a limited time free coaching session.

To your dream! Don’t let it pass you by.

Cheryl Healey

Have you ever wanted a certain outcome but knew you had no real control over how it would turn out? Did you ever just have to trust God/Consciousness to guide you? I’ve had that experience many times.

One of my most impressive experiences involved a healing. I was told I needed a surgical root canal for the second time on the same tooth. The endodontist showed me film of it to prove his point.

Later, I thought “God, I can’t go through that again. I just can’t. I’ve had so many of those already.” I had been in a car accident years before and my teeth started to be affected over time.

So I decided I was going to try to change the outcome to be the way I wanted it to be. I meditated and then visualized the endodontist’s office and not needing the surgery. I did that until I saw the room filled with white light and felt the feeling of it with gratitude. Then I let it go.

I did some healthful things I knew to do after that and just lived my life until it was time for the appointment. When I sat in the chair and he took a new film, he was shocked and asked what I did? I asked what he meant to which he answered it was healed and I didn’t need surgery. “What did you do?”

I told him prayer and the other things. It wasn’t me. It was Consciousness. I was very grateful. 🙂

Another time I was guided to sell my house during the housing melt-down before I was headed for foreclosure. I set the intention to sell it in less than a month even though that seemed totally unrealistic in that housing market especially for my small two-bedroom villa.

With appropriate actions, focus and attitude, guess what? Not only did it sell and close in less than a month, but I got to live there as a renter. My cat also got to live the rest of her life in the neighborhood she grew up in and loved. I was very grateful.

Those are only two examples of healing in my body, mind and life to align with my guidance and intentions.

What do you want in and for your life or for the world?

There is an Asian story about a farmer who was about to loose his farm. He went to a wise man and asked what he should do. The wise man told him to gather some carrots, eggs and tea leaves. The wise man told him to fill three pots with water and set them to boil; one with the carrots; one with the eggs and one with the tea leaves.

When the desired outcome had occurred, the wise man told the farmer to remove the carrots, eggs and tea from the fire. The wise man asked the farmer what had happened.

The farmer smiled in recognition. The carrots grew soft and mushy. The eggs hard shell did not protect the inside from getting hard. The tea leaves transformed the water into tea.

The boiling water was the challenge. The carrots, eggs and tea leaves all met the challenge with very different results.

As the song title says, “I’ve got the power” and so do you! God is in each and every one of us and every thing. How do you think a caterpillar turns into a butterfly? How do you think an acorn turns into an oak tree? How do you think I healed my body and sold my house?

We have the power of love flowing through us to create blessings for ourselves, others and the world. Sure there are those who believe more in fear than in love and they try to spread that B.S. Guess what? They just get more to fear in life because that’s their focus.

I suggest you tap into your God-given power and go for the life you want. Go ahead. I know you’ve got what it takes.

If you need a little help tapping your inner wisdom along the way, I’m doing a small amount of free coaching.

Enjoy infinite blessings,

Cheryl Healey

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