
Posts Tagged ‘Focus Mastery

The last two articles on Focus Mastery spoke about some things that create problems with focus. However, what causes you or anyone to choose that which does not help you master your focus and get what you want out of life?

It all starts in your mind.

If you haven’t read How to Improve Your Focus, please do. It contains an easy focus exercise for you and children.

You are always at a place of choice. The tricky thing is that life moves so quickly that it can be difficult to realize you have a choice. Did you ever make a decision by default or to be polite not realizing a better offer was available? You just didn’t see it – you just weren’t aware of it at the time because you were so focused on getting your errands done; or worrying about where the money to pay the bills would come from; or that person trying to distract you; or whatever fear-based distracting thoughts or people you chose to focus on at the time.

If you’re anything like me, you probably kicked yourself mentally and emotionally for a very long time afterward (not a good idea by the way). For example: How could I not have seen that opportunity; right turn; exit on the freeway; whatever the other better and more loving path had I only been more aware and less distracted at the time?

Spirit knocks gently at first. If we choose fear or unforgiveness of self or others – even unconsciously, rather than listen to our guidance, we don’t always get the best results. I can tell you from personal experience that when I understand, listen to and act on my guidance, nothing less than miracles happen in my life. This is true for everyone. I know you’ve experienced this as well. It’s part of being human.

My wish for you, your family and all of us is that we Love so much that fear can’t take hold of our minds. Fear is only in the mind. God is love. God is everywhere and we are made from the stuff of God. God wants the best for us. Focus on love in its many forms with joy and gratitude and let it permeate your mind and life. You and your family deserve the best.

“Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen.” – Emerson

Enjoy being the gift you came here to be – naturally.

Be Peace,


This is the second installment on Focus Mastery. Focus is power. Focus is also the hottest commodity in today’s world. Accomplishing anything in your life requires your focus which involves your mind, body and spirit.

In the heat wave here in Southern California and other parts of the country, it is important to keep your body hydrated. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.[1]

Each day humans must consume a certain amount of water to survive. Of course, this varies according to age and gender, and also by where someone lives. Generally, an adult male needs about 3 liters (approx. 12 cups) per day while an adult female needs about 2.2 liters (about 8 cups) per day. Some of this water is gotten in food.

How can a body and brain that are comprised largely of water function properly without constant replenishment of that same liquid?

Given my current lifestyle and schedule this past week, I was way below what was needed normally let alone extra for the hot weather. To top that, I had accumulated a few weeks of sleep deprivation. If you read my previous post about bagels, I did a BIG NO-NO. I ate unhealthy carbs to give me an energy boost. Have you or your children ever done that? What was the result?

If you’re anything like me with food allergies and sensitivities, the results were not positive. Not only was my focus on the negative aspects of my life, but motivation and energy to improve the situation seemed to have dried up (pun intended).

My mind and body wanted sleep; my inner child and emotions needed a hug; and my spirit was wondering when the heck I’d finally get it and follow my guidance for the results I choose.

So after a turbulent couple of days doing the best I thought I could, I got it. NO more bad foods that turn me into a big confused mess inside. Stress overload can unintentionally cause harm to ourselves and those we love. I also took the next day to do a little more energy healing work and get some rest to let it all integrate.

The unconscious mind never stops, but the conscious mind and the body need healthy food, rest and water on a regular basis.

This is even more important for children whose minds and bodies are still forming. Give the mind and body what they need to be healthy and they will be good to you.

Bottom line: Eat what is healthy for YOUR body; drink plenty of healthy clear water; and get as much sleep as your body needs. Every body is different.

Enjoy infinite blessings,

Cheryl Healey


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