
Posts Tagged ‘Health

Ever wonder where all those chemicals and pesticides from the foods you eat end up in you, your children and your pets? Please watch this video to find out. It will take less than two minutes and just might save a life or prevent a label.

To your health!

Cheryl Healey

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an old saying that pre-dates Photoshop which now allows an artist to change a picture to reflect whatever the artist desires.  However, “an experience is worth a thousand pictures” still has value.  The interesting thing about experiences though is that every individual will view an experience differently, even the same experience, based on their own beliefs whether factual or not.  In a world where your habits and points of view can make or break your choices and success in any endeavor including your health, what has to happen for you to achieve your goals for wellness and wellbeing?

For example, any experience you’ve had with very delicious (but not so healthy) foods or beverages triggered a neurotransmitter response that made you feel good or even great.  If you’re allergic to that food or it is toxic to the body, you undoubtedly had a negative response not too long after ingestion.  Maybe you felt tired, full, bloated, or just wanted more of that same great tasting food – even if you weren’t physically hungry.  If you keep that up, you may head toward an experience you won’t enjoy.

Changing a habit takes a firm decision on your part and a minimum of 21 days.  Sticking to that decision takes courage and the willingness to change some of your beliefs and other habits.  Having an accountability partner is a great benefit to keep you on track.

I am here to help change the world view of ADHD and how it is currently treated.  Eating foods from an unhealthy food supply create problems in the human body and in the animals we eat.  Food is meant to be fuel and medicine for the body.  It is not meant to be a replacement for love, security or boredom.

What experience do we need to have as a collective to be willing to love ourselves enough; the children enough; the animals we consume enough; and the Earth enough; to make healthy and sustainable changes now?  It all starts with choice at the individual and family levels.

Many alcoholics have to hit rock bottom before they are willing to change.  Sometimes that isn’t even enough.  The unconscious mind and your comfort zone are part of the fight or flight limbic system.  Their job is to keep you safe.  What if what you think keeps you safe is really taking away your freedom and power to make healthier choices?

Articles such as this may trigger your comfort zone to kick in its heels and find fault with these questions and empowering information.  That’s normal.  The space between is where you know the truth.  Take a breath.  The breath is your connection to your Soul.  Choose Love.  Be grateful.  Smile.  Ask God to guide you.  All is well, and so it is.

Enjoy infinite blessings because you deserve the best and so do the children, animals and the entire world including the Earth.

We are all One.

What would it take…

  • for the children to be symptom-free?
  • to realize the symptoms have causes that can be treated and prevented naturally?
  • for the children to no longer be labeled or picked on?

What if…

  • the oceans and fish were free of mercury and other toxins?
  • fish that were farm raised were fed what they need rather than corn,  soy, who knows what else and artificial coloring?
  • the animals we eat were all raised humanely without toxic chemicals, antibiotics and hormones and could roam freely?
  • the lives of animals used for food were ended in the most loving, honoring and humane way possible?
  • animals were seen and treated as living, feeling creatures by everyone?
  • all food was free of toxins and hormones?
  • all food was manufactured in such a way as to retain the natural vitamins and minerals God infused into them?
  • all GMO’s were labeled so we are free to choose what we eat?
  • the soil in which food grows was free of toxins and filled with nutrients?
  • the products we put on and into the body were all health-affirming?
  • household cleaning products were harmless to humans and pets?
  • sustainable sources of energy became a priority?
  • innovative forward-thinking ideas became more popular and received funding?

What if…

  • people in charge decided to care about and support these things?
  • people in charge started to make decisions to fix the causes of these issues and followed through with those decisions?

What would happen if…

  • we stopped creating wars?

What if…

  • our constitutional rights were still in operation as intended by our forefathers?
  • you, as a member of the American public trusted your intuition first rather than follow the pack blindly?
  • the American public expected the best?

What would it take for you to expect the best?  What if by expecting the best you help create it?

What if we all stopped blaming and started working together to choose loving and healthy solutions?

What if all it would take was one person at a time making the most healthy, loving and empowering decisions possible every day?  What if each person worked to heal personal issues rather than project them onto others?  When emotional wounds are healed, awareness and consciousness grows.  When consciousness is raised, possibility expands.  What if the number of people who do this grew to millions or greater?  What would a world like this look like?  What would a world like this FEEL like?

We are on the cusp of realizing the greatest potential for this planet.  Disarm fear and doubt.  Choose love and peace for everyone.  Take inspired action.  Expect the best!  We really are all One.

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” – Gandhi

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